Being a website owner is fun and the most interesting part of it is making mistakes and learning from them. Many web developers make major mistakes that reduce traffic and have a negative impact on their SEO ranking.It’s just that whenever you start something new without much expertise and guidance, you end up making mistakes, and over time, if you don’t learn from them, they start damaging your status.
The following points will help you understand what mistakes you are making that may lead to a complete traffic disaster. They are the “traffic killer sins” that you must avoid if you want to increase traffic to your website.
Unresponsive and dead links:
They are passive links to your websites, which don’t work at all. No matter how many times and in how many ways you try to open them, they don’t take you to the destination they claim to take you. They not only depict your non-serious behaviour but also bother your visitors. So, people may lose interest in your product because your website has made a bad impression.
Copied and low-quality content:
Always choose high-quality content that provides your audience with both entertainment and product information.A copied website’s content completely demolishes your brand’s reputation, as your website’s content is the actual element that drives maximum visitors to your website. Likewise, if the content is not informative and doesn’t portray the complete picture of your products and services, your whole website structure may collapse. So, this mistake can devalue your website as well as your brand.
Overcrowded website:
Don’t add a lot of irrelevant and unnecessary stuff to your website, as your visitors may have difficulty navigating to their desired location. Don’t use such an unmatched, ambiguous, and sophisticated colour combination that users can’t find the stuff. You can watch the top-rated website designs to see how website owners have maintained their websites. It will help you make your website as friendly and simple as possible.
Spam, spam, spam!
It spoils the website’s ranking and acceptability in no time. Whatever you plan to do in order to attract maximum traffic to your website, do not spam! It has many disadvantages, but the most fatal one is losing your web hosting account. It will be a tiresome endeavour to search for a new web hosting company. So, it is not logical to spend your precious time on insignificant tasks.
Flash, graphics, and images!
Developing a flash-based website is not a sensible idea at all. It doesn’t add anything special to your website. Though it may increase the fascination of your website, a search engine can’t read it. It is thus a wise choice to use an HTML version for your Flash-based website. Graphics and images need a lot of time to load; therefore, most people skip them and won’t go beyond your welcome page if you are using Flash.
They are something that irritates users greatly.Some of them also complain that when they intervene in their private navigation, they are immediately diminished.Some websites have a series of pop-ups; when you close one, another appears. This makes you want to leave that website at once. They horribly irritate the users, so it is a big blunder to use them. Don’t waste your time and money on activities that disturb and irritate your audience.
These are some of the common mistakes that one can possibly make in trying to generate website traffic. Learning about these traffic killer mistakes will help you optimise your site in the right way and can lead to a revolutionary, dynamic and successful site.