List of 15 most awesome and fast loading image gallery list. All have small codes, but still have good effects and small loading time.
Pure CSS based Animated Image Gallery with lightbox – Perfundo
Perfundo has a completely lightweight CSS base and shows your images in a gallery with lightbox functionality. It is a responsive and animated pure CSS based library. Along with just normal CSS, it also provides Javascript code for touch swiping on mobile devices.
Compressed CSS: 2.2 KB
Browser Compatibility: Does not supported by IE 6,7,8. Partially supported by IE 9,10,11. Fully supported by Edge, Firefox and Chrome, while Opera mini and Android 4.3 does not support it
flikrGal – Responsive Pure JavaScript Gallery
It uses the super fast Flickr API to fetch your image collections from Flickr, to create a responsive gallery. FlikrGal is a pure JavaScript based gallery with a variety of different transition effects. It is ideal for artists and photographers to showcase their work.
Compressed CSS: 6.5 KB
Compressed JS: 8.61 KB
Browser Compatibility: Supported by almost all modern browsers.
A very light weight responsive image gallery, only using css – CSSBox
CSSBox is developed only using CSS/CSS3 and HTML and no Javascript is used. If you need a very fast loading image gallery, CSSBox would be the best option. It also supports lightbox, so you can see the full image as a popup.
Compressed CSS: 1 KB
Browser Compatibility: Supported by all browsers except IE 8 and Opera mini 8.
Awesome Flickr Gallery / Lightbox – Lightbox.js
It fetches the images from Flickr and displays them in a thumbnail grid. It also comes with a lightbox, so you are able to see the full version of an image by clicking it. You can navigate the images in the lightbox.
Compressed CSS: 2.6 KB
Compressed JS: 3.09 KB
Browser Compatibility: IE 8, 11 Edge 13, Firefox 45, 46, 47 and Opera mini 8 does not support. Except these,it works well on rest of browsers.
A lightweight Responsive Gallery / Lightbox built with Pure HTML / CSS
It is a lightweight, responsive image gallery lightbox for presenting your selected images. It is built using pure CSS and HTML. By clicking on an image, a lightbox will popup and display the full image along with navigation.
Compressed CSS: 1.1 KB
Browser Compatibility: Does not work on IE<9 and Opera mini 8. All other browsers fully support it.
Material Gallery – A Responsive Photo Gallery
If you want to generate Google image search type nice and responsive thumbnail grids, then the Material Gallery JavaScript plugin is for you. After clicking on a thumbnail, a full-screen light box will display its full version with navigation options to navigate images right or left.
Compressed CSS: 4 KB
Compressed JS: 38 KB
Browser Compatibility: Except IE 8 and Opera mini 8, all browsers support it.
Fullscreen Image Lightbox Slider – lightbox.js
This JavaScript library has the capability to show images in a navigable fullscreen lightbox gallery. It supports navigation arrows so that images can be navigated easily.
Compressed CSS: 12 KB
Compressed JS: 4.79 KB
Browser Compatibility: It works well on all browsers, while it does not load perfectly on IE and Opera mini 8
Pure CSS / CSS3 based Simple Tab Gallery
This gallery is built using CSS3 based transforms, transitions, and HTML radio input tricks. Rather than simple arrow-based navigation, it uses tabbed thumbnail navigation, which makes it more attractive.
Compressed CSS: 15 KB
Browser Compatibility: Does not work on IE 8 while partially supported by IE 11 and Android browser 4.3
Best Responsive Gallery and Lightbox – WA MediaBox
WA MediaBox is a responsive gallery which displays html content, including images, iframes, images, videos, etc, on a full screen and navigable lightbox popup.
Compressed CSS: 6.5 KB
Compressed JS: 8 KB
Browser Compatibility: It does not work on IE<11 and Opera mini 8
Gallerly.js – Thumbnail Grid image gallery with full image preview.
It is a pure JavaScript based photo gallery for creating a thumbnail grid with an expanding large image preview option like Google Image Search.
Compressed CSS: 1 KB
Compressed JS: 5.1 KB
Browser Compatibility: Opera mini 8 and IE 8 does not support it.
CSS3 based 3D rotating image gallery.
This gallery rotates a selection of DIV elements in a 3D style, making full use of CSS3 properties like keyframes and transform.
Compressed CSS: 449 Bytes
Browser Support: IE < 11, Opera mini and Android browser 4.3 does not support it, which IE 11 and Edge partially support it.
Javascript based awesome responsive photo gallery.
It is a javascript gallery that displays your provided images with thumbnails. It has mobile touch and arrows navigation support as well.
Compressed CSS: 1.6 KB
Compressed JS: 1.23 KB
Browser Support: IE 8, Opera mini and android 4.3 do not fully support it.
Flex Images – Javascript based grid thumbnail like google images.
It is a small and fast Javascript library through which fully responsive images and video grids can be created, like Google images and Flickr.
Compressed CSS: 209 Bytes
Compressed JS: 3.5 KB
Browser Support: Except IE<8 all browsers support it.
Octo – CSS3 based image Gallery with Lightbox
It is a CSS3 based gallery to group and display images and has the ability to enlarge them through a light box which has arrow navigation support.
Compressed CSS: 636 Bytes
Browser Support: IE<10 and Opera mini partially support it.
PhotoViewerJS – A Javascript based images gallery with lightbox
It is a pure Javascript library to display the full image of thumbnails in a fullscreen lightbox popup. It also has an awesome display on mobile devices.
Compressed CSS: 2 KB
Compressed JS: 3.56 KB
Browser Support: Opera mini and IE<9 partially support it.