
10 fast loading accordions for your next project

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Here is a list of 10 accordions that I have chosen on the basis of their small code size and thus having a fast loading speed. In spite of the small code size, all have very good smooth sliding effects.

Horizontally expanded CSS based Accordion image slider.

It is a CSS3 based horizontal accordion slider which is also responsive, which expands the images horizontally on mouse hover. While loading it on hand held devices, it automatically transforms itself into a vertical slider so that it can fit well on small screens.

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Compressed CSS: 3 KB

Compatibility: Does not supported by IE 8, 9 and Opera mini 8.

Pure CSS based Smart Accordion / Tabs

It is a simple and fast loading CSS based accordion component which displays well on all sorts of display options, including all sorts of handheld devices. It is ideal for use in places where simplicity, yet fast loading speed is required.     Visit Site

compressed css: 700 Bytes

Compatibility: Supported by all browsers including IE 8, 9, 11

Pure CSS based Smart Accordion

Very Smooth Accordion component with Pure CSS / CSS3

If you want a smooth accordion without any Javascript or jQuery code, then this would be the best available option for you.  Visit Site

compressed CSS: 1.4 Kb

Compatibility: Excessively use -webkit-transition which is only supported by webkit browsers including chrome, safari, opera etc.

Very Smooth Accordion component

Simple HTML5 / CSS3 based multilevel accordion.

It is a simple html5 and CSS3 based multilevel accordion menu which was developed without using Javascript. It makes use of CSS3 to create smooth sliding and to toggle the menus. Several other CSS3 properties are used as well for its development.

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Compressed CSS: 1.8 Kb

Compatibility: Supported by all browsers except IE 8, 9 and Opera mini 8.

Simple HTML5 / CSS3 based multilevel accordion.

CSS3 Transitions based Responsive Accessible Accordion

This accordion deploys label + radio and label + checkbox combinations for toggling panels based on whether multiple slides or panels can be open simultaneously or not. It uses CSS3 transitions to execute smooth animations for opening and closing functions.

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Compressed size: 2 KB

Compatibility: IE 8  and Opera mini 8 does not support it.

Simple Vertical Accordion in native JavaScript

It is a native Javascript Accordion Ui Module. It has a standalone library for creating smooth vertical accordion sliding effects.

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Compressed CSS: 4.5 KB

Compressed JS: 1.05 KB

Compatibility: Does not supported by IE 8 and has partial support by Opera mini 8 and android 4.3

Accordion Class Pure JS / CSS3 with vertical sliding Panels

It is an OOP based pure Javascript accordion with great CSS3 transitions and effects. It has very good smooth sliding effects.

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Compressed CSS: 1.6 KB

Compressed JS: 2.7 KB

Compatibility: Does not supported by IE 8, 9 and Opera mini 8. Partial supported by Android browser 4.3

Accordion Class Pure JS / CSS3 with vertical sliding Panels

CSS3 and JS responsive accordion widget

It is a fully responsive accordion module. You can toggle content panels smoothly and it also has better text zooming effects.

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Compressed CSS: 2 KB

Compressed JS: 1.4 KB

Compatibility: Does not supported by IE 8, 9 and Opera mini 8. Partial supported by Android browser 4.3, 4.4, 4.4.4, Chrome 29 and iOS Safari 8.4

Only CSS based simple accordion navigation menu

It is a minimal code, fast loading accordion menu built with CSS only and no Javascript is used. Animation effects are achieved by CSS3 transitions.

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Compressed CSS: 2.5 KB

Compatibility: Supported by all browsers except IE 8, 9 and Opera mini 8. 

Only CSS based simple accordion navigation menu

Attractive, stylish CSS3 flex based horizontal content slider

It is a CSS3 flex and transition based slider which executes sliding animation and expands the current panel on mouse over.

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Compressed CSS: 483 bytes

Compatibility: Does not supported by IE 8, 9 and partial supported by IE 11, Android 4.3 and iOS Safari 8.4

Attractive, stylish CSS3 flex based horizontal content slider

Author: Nohman Habib

I basically work in the CMS, like Joomla and WordPress and in framework like Laravel and have keen interest in developing mobile apps by utilizing hybrid technology. I also have experience working in AWS technology. In terms of CMS, I give Joomla the most value because I found it so much user freindly and my clients feel so much easy to manage their project in it.

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