User groups and core permissions in Joomla

User Groups A user group in Joomla is an entity that has core permissions, and users are assigned to it. It can contain a single or multiple users, but all users will have the same access level and can access…

Implementing Grid sort and pagination at backend

Files to create / Update Update breed.php /administrator/models/breed.php Update view.html.php /administrator/views/breed/view.html.php Update default.php /administrator/views/breed/tmpl/default.php Files Details /administrator/models/breed.php  public function __construct($config = array()) { if (empty($config['filter_fields'])) { $config['filter_fields'] = array( 'id', 'a.`id`', 'ordering', 'a.`ordering`', 'state', 'a.`state`', 'created_by', 'a.`created_by`', 'breedname', 'a.`breedname`', 'pic',…

Creating a list view at backend

Files to create / update update breeds.php        /administrator/models/breeds.php update view.html.php   /administrator/views/breeds/view.html.php update default.php       /administrator/views/breeds/tmpl/default.php update breed.xml       /breed.xml update en-GB.com_breed.ini     /languages/administrator/en-GB/en-GB.com_breed.ini update en-GB.com_breed.sys.ini    /languages/administrator/en-GB/en-GB.com_breed.sys.ini File Details /administrator/models/breeds.php protected function getListQuery() { $db = $this->getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true);// Select the required…

Starting to work on backend – Adding a view

Although the frontend and backend of Joomla are designed to do different things, they still use the same MVC pattern for organising code. The major purpose of the backend is to manage data. Creating a basic view: In your Joomla…

Adding search feature to Component Frontend list view

update: breeds.php         /site/models/breeds.php update: view.html.php   /site/views/breeds/view.html.php update: default.php       /site/views/breeds/tmpl/default.php update: en-GB.com_breed.ini   /languages/site/en-GB/en-GB.com_breed.ini  File Details  /site/models/breeds.php if ($filters = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter', 'filter', array(), 'array')) { foreach ($filters as $name => $value) { $this->setState('filter.' . $name, $value); } }Adding the…

Implementing Grid sort functionality at frontend

In order to implement the Grid sort and Pagination, you have to update the following files. update breeds.php        /site/models/breeds.php update view.html.php   /site/views/breeds/view.html.php update default.php       /site/views/breeds/tmpl/default.php File Details /site/models/breeds.php $ordering = $app->input->get('filter_order');if (!empty($ordering)) { $list = $app->getUserState($this->context . '.list'); $list['ordering']…

Creating a Joomla module

Files to create / Update Create  mod_breed.xml /modules/mod_breed/mod_breed.xml Create  mod_breed.php /modules/mod_breed/mod_breed.php Create  default.php /modules/mod_breed/tmpl/default.php Create  en-GB.mod_breed.ini  /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_breed.ini Create  en-GB.mod_breed.sys.ini  /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_breed.sys.ini   Files Details  /modules/mod_breed/mod_breed.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <extension type="module" version="3.1" client="site" method="upgrade"> <name>BREEDS</name> <author>Nohman Habib</author> <creationDate>July 2016</creationDate> <copyright>Copyright (C) 2005 -…

Implementing access control on breeds form and single record page.

Files to create / update update breedform.php    /site/models/breedform.php update default.php   /site/views/breed/tmpl/default.php update breed.php   /site/controllers/breed.php File Details /site/models/breedform.php public function delete($data) { $id = (!empty($data['id'])) ? $data['id'] : (int) $this->getState('');if (JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.delete', 'com_breed.breed.' . $id) !== true) { throw new Exception(403,…


My name is Nohman Habib and I am a web developer with over 10 years of experience, programming in Joomla, Wordpress, WHMCS, vTiger and Hybrid Apps. My plan to start is to share my experience and expertise with others. Here my basic area of focus is to post tutorials primarily on Joomla development, HTML5, CSS3 and PHP.

Nohman Habib


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